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GPS Tracking for People & Groups in the Outdoors

Who is Meili GPS Designed for

Meii GPS Track Your Team

Frequently Asked Questions

Meili GPS trackers enable you to track groups and individuals when in the outdoors, worldwide.

Meili GPS Trackers are affordable which means you can choose to assign a tracker to each group or each individual, and then monitor tracker location, route and status on 1:25,000 outdoor maps.

Each Meili has a SOS button which when pressed sends a notification to authorised users via the Meilli Earth app .

Meili GPS uses GPS satellites to determine its location and reports its position back via specialised radio signals using a built in SIM just like your phone but unlike your phone it uses NB-iot and LTE-M radio signals which give it much greater range. Unlike AirTag or other bluetooth devices Meili GPS works worldwide and independently without a connection to a phone as long as there is a local network available.

Meili uses proper 1:25000 outdoor mapping from the country you are in, initially Meili ships with ThunderForest Outdoor Maps.

AirTags report their location to your phone but they need to be close to an Apple device in order to work - currently 100 feet or less. If the AirTag is not within 100 feet of an Apple device it will not be able to report its position.

Meili GPS trackers work independently, they don't need a phone nearby to function: Meili trackers have a long battery life (14 days) and use GPS satellites and NB-IoT technology to fix and communicate their location to the Meili app.

The Meili Global Airtime Plan will work in most countries in the world. There are currently a few exceptions, such as in locations where the use of GPS trackers are illegal and/or current geopolitics do not support our communications capabilites, but for most of the world's adventure playgrounds you are covered by the Meili Global Airtime Plan.

Meili has been designed from the ground up to be group focused.

This means you can track and monitor as many Meili GPS Trackers as you need to, and SAFELY share the Tracker info with as many people as you need via the Meili sharing centre.

Battery life is dependent on the conditions in which the Meili GPS Tracker is working and how frequently it is asked to report its location. It automatically goes into power saving mode when it's not in motion and In testing we have shown that a battery life of two weeks / 400 hours is normal with 10 minute updates and when in motion for 12 hours a day.

Each Meili GPS Tracker requires an active Airtime Plan in order to send location updates, status updates and alerts.

All the fees required to do this are included in a single Global Airtime Plan.

You can cancel your Airtime Plan at any time, or pause and restart your subscription as required.

Simply order the number of Meili GPS Trackers you require, and then sign up for a matching number of Global Airtime Plan slots.

When your Meili GPS Trackers arrive you will need to download the Meili Earth app for Android or Apple, and follow the on-screen instructions in order to login and activate your Meili GPS Trackers.

When working with groups, particularly Under 18s, it is essential that Tracker data is kept secure and not misused or shared inadvertently with third parties.

It was for this reason that we created Meili Sharing Sessions. As an Administrator you are able to create a Sharing Session with a defined Start Date and End Date.

You can then add one or more Trackers to the Sharing Session.

A sharebable link is autogenerated which you can send to the users that you authorise, such as volunteers on an expedition.

Authorised volunteers can download the Meili Earth app (for free) and monitor tracker location and routes, and respond to Tracker SOS alerts for as long as the Sharing Session remains active, or until you, as the Administrator, revoke access.

Meili Sharing Sessions mean that you can mitigate risk, whilst monitoring and safeguarding groups in the outdoors.


Location Extreme
Hampden House
Monument Business Park
Chalgrove, Oxford
OX44 7RW

Monday - Friday
10am - 5pm